Wednesday, December 26, 2012

After Christmas Recovery...

Just like much of the rest of America, the day after Christmas, I'm dealing with a hangover. Not necessarily the alcoholic variety, either. Today, I deal with a food hangover. On the menu yesterday was roast leg of pork, tri tip roast, mashed potatoes, lasagna, fried shrimp, not to mention the dessert table, which included a variety of pies, cheesecake, bundt cake, and persimmon bread, baked by yours truly.

Oh, did I mention the deep fried mac and cheese?

Yep, macaroni and cheese, breaded and deep fried. Probably the most unjustified food on the table, and one of the most delicious. And as a result of this spread, as well as lots of wine and some liquor, today I dreaded stepping on the scale and checking my glucose levels. To my surprise, I was only up a pound, and my glucose level was lower than normal. My daily walk was great, and my time was actually lower than the last couple days. A gold star for me, maybe I only thought I ate too much?

Still, like the rest of the country, I have to deal with the guilt of excess- and a fridge full of leftovers staring me in the face.

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