Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Instagram: "all your pics are belong to us"

So Instagram stirred up quite the controversy by changing their Terms Of Service to allude to the fact that they had the right to sell users' pics to various advertisers. This didn't go over well with Instagram users; in fact, the outcry was so loud that the company apologized and clarified their position on copyright. It seems to me that a company as visible as the Facebook-owned Instagram would have proofed their TOS before actually posting it; considering the fact that millions of people post millions of pics daily with their service, you'd think that something as important as a change to who retains the copyright of those millions of pics might garner just a little more scrutiny by their legal team. Or maybe the controversial TOS was exactly what they wanted, and they didn't think anyone would notice...

Either way, I used the service instaport.me to download all my Instagram pics. I did this both as a backup of my pics, and just in case I end up deleting my account over this issue.

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